Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Health

Tips for a Healthier Summer 

Summer is almost here. Are you and your body prepared for it? As much as you may love your fun in the sun, laying on the beach or camping, the summer also “cooks up” its own range of health-related considerations. To help you get prepared, we’ve pulled together a list of summer-specific health tips that should get you and yours well-positioned for a happy and healthy season of sun.

Natural Insect Repellant: Nobody enjoys being bitten by mosquitoes and the longer you stay outside, the higher your chances of becoming a victim. Rather than wearing your share of chemical sprays to repel mosquitoes, why not try something natural? Essential oils like peppermint oil, citronella, thyme, and cinnamon oil have been shown to keep mosquitoes at bay. Some are even more effective than DEET. You can diffuse essential oils outside or wear your choice of topical essential oil preparations.
Barbecue the Right Way this Summer: Summer barbecues are the highlight of the season. Cooking meat at very high temperatures can produce cancer-causing compounds. Among them are heterocyclic amines (HCAs).  Safer ways to grill start with marinating your meats several hours prior to grilling which can minimize HCA formation as can grilling your meat in foil. Removing charred portions of grilled meat can also help to lessen your exposure.

Be Sun Safe this Summer: While occasional sun exposure is healthy, sun burns aren’t. Make sure to take measures to protect your skin during the hot summer months. Prevention means blocking not only UVB radiation, but UVA radiation too. But it also means steering clear of suspect chemicals that are found in conventional sunscreens. Those suspect ingredients include oxybenzone, which could disrupt the human hormonal system, and Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate), which may boost skin cancer risk.
Try Hydrating with Coconut Water: Coconut water is nature’s antidote for dehydration. We certainly encourage you to keep coconut water within arm’s reach. It contains healthy electrolytes which the body loses with sweat. And according to a clinical study, it hydrates just as well as water and sports drinks. Looking for other hydrating drinks? Celery, cucumber, and tomato juice work well, and, most importantly, don’t forget water! Avoid sugary juices, soft drinks, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks as they are dehydrating.

Safer Holiday Travel:

The holidays are a popular time for people to travel to see their family and friends. Whether you plan to travel by plane or car, there are steps you can take to make your trip safer and healthier. While the airport and plane may be full of passengers that you can see, it’s also full of millions of germs, viruses, and bacteria that can ruin your trip.  The same goes for that car rest stop, the hotel room, and that roadside restaurant. Proper hand washing, hydrating and taking certain supplements are good preventative measures. 
One of the most common nutrients that people take when they think they are getting sick is vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that may improve immune function due to its ability to scavenge damaging free radicals. 
Another supplement helpful for preventing jet lag and its accompanying fatigue is melatonin. Melatonin can help your body adjust to time zones changes more easily.
Why not be proactive this year to stay energized and healthy while you travel?

Please speak to Dr. Rodwin before you travel for more information on these and other preventative measures to make your summer travel safer.

Special points of interest:
For natural sunscreens check out the Environmental Working Group Sunscreen Guide at:

For natural insect repellant recipes:

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