Our Team

Dr. Barbara Rodwin. D.C., B.Sc., D.Ac., ART Doctor of Chiropractic, Cranial Adjustor, Acupuncturist and Active Release Technique Provider

Dr. Barbara Rodwin has been a runner since 1978 and has participated in numerous marathons. She also is a triathlete, and has completed numerous half Ironman’s and 10 Ironman’s. Dr. Rodwin has been a long-distance cyclist since 1985. Her philosophy is that if you have a goal, then with focus, training, and perseverance, you will be able to attain that goal. No matter what your goal is, Dr. Rodwin feels that with the proper training, guidance and fortitude you will be able to attain that goal! She feels that fitness is an important part of every person’s life, and likes to balance this with her professional life.

Just as all individuals have their own unique set of symptoms and underlying causes there is no "formula" for the recovery of good health, but there are guidelines. Dr. Barbara Rodwin feels that when working with a patient it is a team approach that aids in creating a realistic, individual treatment plan, which represents a true commitment to change for the better.

Dr. Barbara Rodwin’s goals are to help you be free of pain, gain mobility, be able to perform whatever your goals are and to feel more energetic. You will work closely as a team with Dr. Rodwin to be able to attain optimum body function throughout the entire skeletal system, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nervous system, which will result in a new awareness of your body's natural state of health and vitality.

Dr. Rodwin enjoys educating patients’ on the proper ways to sit, sleep, stand, drive in a vehicle, lift, climb stairs, perform sporting activities and any other daily activity that a patient has difficulty with. You will often see her checking a patient’s seat in a car, watching them climb stairs, walk, run, cycle, and numerous other activities in order to help with their health issue.  Dr. Rodwin loves to go that extra mile for a patient!  She feels if a patient understands the normal way to go about an activity there is less of a chance of re-occurrences of the condition being treated, that the patient then can work with their body in a normal fashion.  A patient will then will have less physical stress on the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves.

"I enjoy working with people who see themselves as active participants in choosing better health and a better life for themselves and their families. I also enjoy educating patients on the proper ways to go about normal daily activities. I believe it is a team approach when a patient comes in for a condition and the patient is an active part of this team!"

Dr. Rodwin has a threefold approach to her field – treatment, prevention and maintenance – with an emphasis on overall health. She specializes in the treatment of headaches, migraines, concussions, neck, back, and extremities (such as the jaw, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and foot), and conditions related to pregnancy, whiplash, and car accidents. Being active in sports, she is better able to understand and treat many types of sports injuries, including: running, cycling, swimming, tennis and other racquet sports, rowing, climbing, hockey, figure skating, gymnastics and golf injuries and conditions, and is able to help prevent such injuries from occurring.

Since graduation, Dr. Rodwin has been active within the chiropractic profession, serving on the Board of Governors at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College for six years. Prior to this, Dr. Rodwin was vice president and president of the Eastern Ontario Chiropractic Society. More recently, Dr. Rodwin received recognition from the Eastern Ontario Chiropractic Society and the Board of Governors of the Canadian Chiropractic College for her commitment and continued involvement with chiropractic.

Kinesiologist Orthotic Consultant
Keri-Lyn Dudgeon. B.Sc.(H.K.)

Keri-Lyn Dudgeon graduated from the University of Guelph in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics. Her degree incorporated a minor in biomedical science, as well as an emphasis in nutritional science. For as long as she can remember, Keri-Lyn has wanted to work in the health field. Although the curriculum for her degree allowed for streamlining in many different career options, her interests were primarily in medicine, pathology/forensics, and sports medicine. She studied anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, gait, orthotics and prosthetics, pathology, pharmacology and nutrition.
During her adolescence, Keri-Lyn experienced a variety of sports-related injuries, many of which led to surgery. Through her education and experience, she has come to realize that many of those surgeries could have been prevented, had she taken a more corrective and preventative approach. It is because of this that Keri-Lyn brings an increased level of compassion and understanding to her patients, helping them to treat their injuries and prevent new ones.
Keri-Lyn has worked in the chiropractic field since 1995, specializing in gait analysis and orthotics since 1997.   She takes the time to educate her patients about the importance of their whole body (head to toe) – specifically spinal health – when analyzing a problem.  Another role Keri-Lyn takes at the clinic is educating patients about their injuries and helping them to understand the methods of treatments the practitioners will be using to treat their condition.

Her background in kinetics (how each part of the body is connected) is a perfect fit with the holistic nature of the Back to Health clinic.

Registered Massage Therapists. (RMT)
Our three Registered Massage Therapists; Ashley Rocheleau, Jessica Nepton and Andrew Bouchier approach the goal of patient health by helping patients achieve and maintain pain-free movement. 

Our massage therapists not only work on performing deep tissue and relaxation massage, but they also help patients who suffer from sports and running related injuries; neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and foot issues; scar tissue injuries, tendonitis, ilio-tibial band syndrome, temporo-mandibular joint dysfunctions (TMJ/Jaw), spinal cord problems, and nerve problems. Additionally, they work with and help a variety of patients such as developmentally handicapped individuals, seniors, and pre-and post-natal mothers.

Ashley Rocheleau

Ashley is a graduate of the three year Massage Therapy program at Algonquin College. She is also a member of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO), and a member of the Registered Massage Therapists Association of Ontario (RMTAO).

Ashley’s approach to the healing process is that it’s a continuous and creative journey that changes and flows with time. Having dealt with injuries and rehabilitation processes herself, she understands how hard it can be sometimes to continue with everyday activities while recovering from an injury. Her goals in massage therapy are to act as a facilitator to guide and help her clients through their own definition of health and recovery in a safe and proficient manner. She also feels it’s important to help people follow through with their passions in a preventative and pain-free way. She does this with thorough assessments, treatments, and home care.

Ashley has helped a wide variety of patients recover from: neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and foot issues; scar tissue injuries, pinched nerves/nerve compression/crush injuries, sports and running related injuries, iliotibial band syndrome, runners knee, Patello-femoral issues, pes planus (flat feet), Sciatica, Temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMJ/Jaw), thoracic outlet syndrome, respiratory pathologies, and scoliosis. She has also worked with pre- and post- natal mothers and has performed deep tissue and relaxation massage.

She is certified in a myofascial technique for deep tissue work and the Active Release Technique therapy.

In her spare time she enjoys cooking different varieties of food, painting, sketching, crocheting, and doing anything artistic. She also loves spending time with her family and friends. To keep fit, mobile, and to constantly challenge herself she enjoys hiking, kayaking and traveling. Her personal goals are to keep learning, moving forward day by day, and to bring a little more joy and energy into everything that she does. Through massage therapy she hopes to share her experience and positivity in any way she can.

Jessica Nepton

Jessica Nepton is a graduate of the three-year Massage Therapy Program at Algonquin College. She also has a diploma in General Arts and Science – Pre Human and Community Studies.
She is passionate about her profession, and believes that you should never stop learning. She is up to any challenge, but isn’t afraid to ask for help if necessary. She works with her patients to ensure they receive the best care possible. Her massage therapy training included extensive study in anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, massage theory, professionalism, ethics, and proper home care in relation to cardio, stretching and strengthening exercises. She also completed several other health-related courses, including hydrotherapy.

Jessica is a member of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario, and is certified in ART.

Jessica has worked with a wide range of clientele and injuries, including sports injuries, developmentally handicapped individuals, seniors, restrictive scars, tendonitis, muscle tension, headaches, adhesive capsulitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, Iliotibial band syndrome, nerve problems, spinal cord injuries, and pregnancy. Jessica takes pride in working with her patients in a therapeutic and nurturing manner.

Andrew Bouchier

After spending several years in the Canadian Forces followed by several more in the Federal Public Service, Andrew turned his attention to matters of health and wellness. He completed his Massage Therapist training at Kiné Concept Institute in Ottawa and was licensed by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario in 2006.

The health studies continued a process which Andrew began years earlier when he had resolved to make changes in his life. He first made dietary changes that resulted in substantial weight loss. Shortly afterward, feeling stronger, he seized the opportunity to fulfill one of his life's goals: travel to Spain and walk 500 miles on the pilgrim's route to Santiago de Compostela.

Returning lighter and stronger, Andrew aimed for another life goal: long-distance running. Having never seriously pursued it before, he found the nearest Running Room store and enrolled in a clinic to prepare for the 2002 National Capitol Marathon (42.2 kilometres). He completed it and has since completed nine others, including the Boston Marathon.

Due to his running career, Andrew came to learn of the benefits of Active Release Techniques. Poor training habits had led to some nagging muscle pain which conventional therapies couldn't relieve. The effect and benefits of ART treatment were so clear and immediate that he pursued extensive ART training after becoming a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). Few RMTs in the Ottawa have as extensive ART training as Andrew. His certifications include ART Full Body practitioner (Upper Extremity/Lower Extremity/Spine), plus Biomechanics, Nerve Entrapment, Active Palpation and Masters training with the Active Release Institute.
Since 2008 Andrew has volunteered continuously with walking and running clinics at local Running Room stores where he can be frequently found giving talks on topics such as injury prevention, training techniques and stretching.

As a Registered Massage Therapist, Andrew approaches his goal of patient health by helping them achieve and maintain pain-free movement.

Dr. Kathy Van Zeyl. N.D.

Kathy is a Naturopathic Doctor with a special interest in sports medicine, pain management and performance nutrition. She grew up in a small town playing every sport she could find, focusing primarily on soccer and softball to burn off her extra energy. After developing a fascination with human physiology and movement, she completed an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario. Entering university with a vision of pursuing medicine, an idea fueled by her experiences after her mother’s diagnosis with Parkinson Disease, it was here that she realized her dream of becoming a Naturopathic Doctor. She continued on to study the four-year Naturopathic Doctor program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She had always dreamt of a career which allowed her to combine her fascination for the human body with her love of helping people, and it is through this practice that this dream has come to life. Throughout her training to become an ND she pursued an internship in sports medicine and kept her student-life balance by leading a passionate troupe of therapeutic clowns known as the “Clown Care Unit.” Upon graduating the rigorous program at CCNM, she was grateful to receive the Community Spirit Award for her work in bringing humour and philanthropy to the surrounding community. After graduation she began practicing in Toronto, treating patients here for another four years. Something was still missing for her… With the stress of building a practice, seeking community in a large city, and finding balance in her life, she took up running. At first it was cross-training for soccer, but after her first few races it quickly became more integral to both her fitness and stress-management. She moved up gradually from 5k races, to 10k’s, half marathons, 30k’s and finally after deciding to re-locate out of the city to Ottawa, she ran her first full marathon in Philadelphia. Although she is not an elite runner, she is proud to be competitive within her category and likes to live vicariously through her faster patient competitors! She lives her life with passion, practices what she preaches, incorporates her love of running and great food into her own routine, and seeks to help others conquer their health issues and regain a healthy and balanced lifestyle for themselves. Her passion is people and her mission is medicine, combining these two things Dr. Kathy is dedicated to helping you get to where you want to be! Kathy is an active member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors as well as the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors, and is excited to be starting her new life and practice in the fantastic city of Ottawa!

Front Office Staff
Our front office staff are the first people you will see and talk to at Back To Health.

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