Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Self-Care Instruction For Your Back


In General;

  • Avoid rubbing, probing, or “poking” in the areas Dr. Barbara Rodwin adjusts.
  • Always allow yourself a few moments to rest and relax directly after your adjustment. Avoid sudden twists or turns of movement beyond normal limits of motion.
  • Avoid extreme bending of your body in any direction; avoid reaching, or overhead work.  
  • Watch your posture at all times; stand tall, sleep tall and THINK tall!
  • If you are wondering about a particular activity that may be bothering your body, please ask either Keri-Lyn Dudgeon or Dr. Barbara Rodwin about them.

At Home:

  • When sitting, choose a chair that has adequate firmness to hold your weight comfortably, and then sit straight. Avoid too soft, overstuffed chairs. Recliner chairs are acceptable if they are constructed so that, when you are reclining, your back is in a normal, straight position On a couch make sure you have proper neck and back support. Never lie on the couch with your head on the arm rest.
  • When bathing, sit, rather than recline, in the tub.  
  • Do not read or watch TV in bed with your head propped at a sharp or strained angle.  Support your neck and back with pillows and/or sofa cushions.
  • When brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your hands and face: try to bend your knees and not just bend at the hips.
  • When working at the counter in the kitchen, you can open the cupboard door and place a foot on the shelf.  This acts as a foot stool and keeps pressure off the spine.
  • While Sleeping: 
  • Sleep on a medium mattress, with a greater coil count.  Do not purchase a FIRM mattress as this type of mattress will place too much pressure on your shoulder, back and hips. A mattress normally lasts 10-12 years; if yours is older it will be time to look for a new one.
  • Your pillow should be neither too high nor too low. The ideal pillow is one that supports your head so that your neck vertebrae will be level with the rest of your spine. Avoid sleeping on two pillows.
  • Sleep on your back (with a pillow under your knees) or on your side (with a pillow between your knees) with your legs bent slightly.  You should never sleep on your stomach. Please do not have your hands under your pillow or above your head.
  • Rise from your bed by turning on your side and swinging your legs off the bed.

When Travelling:

  • Try to take your pillow with you.  If you do not and the pillow is too low, roll a towel up and tuck it into the pillowcase so your neck lies on the towel.This will support your neck.
  • If the mattress too hard, put a blanket underneath you.
  • Careful when lifting a suitcase. Lift with the legs and turn your whole body to move it.

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