Monday, June 29, 2015

Children and Health

Chiropractic Care for Children
Children benefit from chiropractic care for the same problems for which adults are treated, which are predominantly musculo-skeletal disorders. For example, children have a fairly high incidence of back pain and other musculo-skeletal problems caused by participation in sports, sitting in desks at school, computer activities, and the frequent tumbles and falls that active children experience.

Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest, drug-free, surgery-free therapies available for the treatment different body and spinal pain syndromes. Few other therapies can demonstrate a better safety record. Provincial governments across Canada recognize that the chiropractic profession’s scope of practice includes treating patients of all ages.

More than 44 studies have been conducted into the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment for neck and back pain alone and there is well-documented evidence of the prevalence of back pain in children. Young children can also benefit from a spinal check-up at key stages in the same way that they benefit from eye examinations and dental check-ups. For example, starting to sit, crawl and walk are developmental points when a check-up will confirm that the spine is functioning properly or provide an early warning of any potential problems.

Exercise for children

Like adults, kids need exercise. Most children need at least an hour of physical activity every day. Regular exercise helps children: feel less stressed, feel better about themselves, feel more ready to learn in school, keep a healthy weight, build and keep healthy bones, muscles and joints and sleep better at night 

Children sometimes spend more time with watching TV, playing video games and computer time. Competitive sports can help kids stay fit and walking or biking to school, dancing, and yoga are some other ways for kids to get exercise. 

Diabetes and weight issues are becoming more prevalent with the youth of today!

The youth of today are becoming rounded through the shoulders and their necks are straightening out. This is due to computer use, texting, backpack use, and video games!

Massage and Children
Just as adults need positive touch, so too do children! Every child, from infancy to the teen years can benefit from massage therapy.

Babies respond well to massage, and show improved temperament, decreased instance of illness, and less fussiness. Babies find abdominal and back stroking to be particularly soothing, although the entire body will typically be treated.Treatments for babies are short; typically 15-20 minutes long.

Older children can also greatly benefit from massage therapy. Massage has a positive effect on a child’s developing tissues, helping with posture and range of motion. Additionally, massage can be used to treat soft tissue injuries due to sprains, strains, joint misalignments, dislocations, and many other types of injuries. Massage has also been shown to have a positive effect on depression, mood, and the immune system in children.  
Backpack Safety 
It’s well understood that heavy backpacks are taking a heavy toll on adolescent spines. Carrying heavy backpacks could cause a wide spectrum of pain related musculoskeletal disorders and postural dysfunctions.
Children commonly carry school backpacks of 10% to 22% bodyweight. Increasing backpack loads significantly compress lumbar disc heights. Backpack loads are responsible for a significant amount of back pain in children, which in part, may be due to changes in lumbar disc height or curvature. A child carrying a backpack weighing 15% of body weight changes all the postural angles in preadolescent children.

Studies on back pack use in children support the use of a 10% of body weight cutoff for safe use of backpacks.

If you would like Dr. Barbara Rodwin to check the ergonomics of your child’s back pack – how the straps are positioned, the size and positioning on their back. Feel free to speak to the front regarding booking time for this!

Vitamin D – Do Children Require it?
Vitamin D is important for children too! It helps with regulating nerve, muscle function, reduces inflammation, promotes calcium absorption, aids with bone strength and it is crucial for their immune systems! If children do not get the required amount their bones can become brittle, thin or malformed and the ability to heal is compromised.

Natural sources include fish, fish oils, and sunshine! Another source is supplements and fortified foods. They do carry children's forms of Vitamin D supplementation.

If you have questions regarding Vitamin D or nutrition for your child, feel free to ask Dr. Barbara Rodwin. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive stress injury that interferes with the use of the hand. Often the dominant wrist is the injured one but in some patients both wrists can be involved. Symptoms are caused by the pinching/entrapment of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Symptoms include pain, numbness in the index, middle fingers and thumb, tingling in the hand(s) and pain shooting up the arm. Left untreated, the condition tends to worsen and can lead to permanent nerve damage. 

Since bones and ligaments have no “give”, this puts pressure on the nerve, which can be worsened by repetitive motion and tasks. Examples of repetitive motion include using a computer for long periods of time or performing assembly line tasks.  Middle age is the most common time in life for carpal tunnel syndrome to occur and there is a higher occurrence of carpal tunnel in females compared to males. Patients seeking treatment for repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel do so because it is less invasive to its allopathic counterparts, which rely on medication and surgery.

How do overuse conditions occur?

Over-used muscles change in three important ways:

  • Acute conditions (pulls, collisions)
  • Micro-trauma (small tears)
  • Hypoxia (lack of oxygen)

These factors cause the body to produce tough scar tissue that binds and ties down tissues, restricting movement. 

Over time scar tissue builds up, causing muscles to become shorter and weaker, resulting in a reduced range of motion, loss of strength and pain. 

Active release techniques are patented massage techniques that address problems with tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves, which are often the result of overuse.
All of Back to Health’s practitioners are certified in Active release techniques.

Clinical Stages of Carpal Tunnel:
Stage 1→ Uncharacteristic discomfort in the hand

Stage 2→ Symptoms localized to territory supplied by the median nerve

Stage 3→ Impairment of digital function and clumsiness

Stage 4→ Sensory loss in median nerve distribution

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What is a Triathlon?
Triathlons are one of the fastest growing sports. It’s an amazing race that combines cycling, running and swimming. There are a wide variety of triathlons ranging from the Try a Tri, for those new to the sport, to the Iron Man. The iron man is a grueling 3.86 km swim, followed by a 112 km bike ride and finished with a 42.2 km marathon.

The Guinness World Record 2000 states that the longest triathlon was completed by David Holleran (Australia) on April 8th 1998. It consisted of a 42 km swim, a 2 000 km bike ride and a 500 km run. He completed it in 17 days, 22 hr. and 50 min.

Hydration is very important when getting exercise. It’s necessary for cardiovascular functioning, homeostasis and muscle functioning. Maintaining good levels of hydration keeps your blood volume up and helps transport nutrients and other substances throughout the body. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, fatigue and poor performance.

Avoid caffeinated beverages when exercising. Caffeine is a diuretic which causes the body to lose water.

When performing endurance sports hydration isn’t the only thing to consider. You also need to keep your electrolyte levels up. Sodium and potassium are the 2 main electrolytes we’ll look at.

Hyponatremia (loss of electrolytes) is something that can occur with endurance sports such as triathlons. This condition occurs when sodium levels in the blood are too low. This can lead to nausea, fatigue, vomiting, weakness and in extreme cases coma and death.

Sodium is necessary for nerve conduction and it helps to move sub-stances into your cells.

Potassium is important for muscle contractions, nerve impulses and releasing energy from stores.

Many sports drinks contain sodium, potassium and some carbohydrates (for energy). If the cost of sports drinks is a problem you can also make your own homemade sports drink. There are lots of recipes out there you can try.

One example we found is: mix
4 tbsp sugar  1/4 tsp. salt
4 c. water       1/4 c orange juice

Nutritional content
Total of 200 cal. 50 cal / 8 oz glass Carbohydrates—12g
Sodium—110 mg Potassium—30mg
Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, Nancy Clark MS, RD1997